Hrvoje Mostarac (Croazia)

Hrvoje Mostarac (Corazia)

Da su samo lakoumni kao ja,
Da im je dušom sijevnulo, i nešto sivo, neodređeno, zadatkom odjeknulo…
Ali… najedanput više nisam bio sam u ovom crnom blagoslovu,
Mila ruka kao perce na golome ramenu,
Kliznula je prema dlanovima i onom što ga držah svježe izniklom otrovu.
Dijete nikad viđeno, tako spasonosno u ovom vječnom trenutku!
..progutalo je sjenke namjenjene meni! –
‘Oče, vidi vranca što ga spušta anđeo, vidi samo tu svjetlost jetku!’
Ali zjapile su samo presudom u sivilo uronjene te nebeske praznine,
I zašto li me samo zove ocem…
‘Oče, ja odoh, a ti, ti opajaj se oblacima, za tebe su i one zvijezde uslovljene…’
Samo duh joj odlebdi, a tijelo meni mrtvo ostade, na teret zavoljeni
I više ne bijaše ono davno Ništa,
Već izvori tišine, kao glâsi, u minulom trenutku uronjeni.

By twisting towards, I glanced and merely Void fronted me –
Deafening emptiness and sordid prints.
Who claims this town of spirits, haven appearing as cemetery?
For what sake is this glistening valley, embraced by silent whisper of forest
When there is no child to rise in it?
Is there purpose for sheet of sea, when there is no soundful rain left to cast?
Barely lonesome hope remains for this to be just one of numerous restless dreams
Which crawled to sightful ones,
Wretched ones, who receded the mist on their pathway to life’s creams.
I could swear I heard a nightingale, twittering from the mother nature’s bowel,
And despair in mind of that innocent convict,
If my life was not entitled with the name of silence, sound crafted by Dev’l.
I be damned! I’m praying for others hardship, to take off my burdens!
When have I dismissed my oath,
Pledged to poetic Me that suffers and never on others his hand arises?!
This noiseless wraith would even turn the saints to sins
If they were harebrained like me,
If something grey and vague bursted through their soul with task that drains…
Yet… suddenly, in this black blessing, i was not alone.
Mellow hand like a feather on bare shoulder,
Slides to palms and to that, which I held, sprang poison freshly done.
Child never seen, so redeeming in this eternal moment!
… swaloved shades destined to me!
‘Father, do you see this dark horse descended by angel and his light so pungent!
Alas, blankness of the sky immersed in greyness, only with judgement gaped,
And why am I named as father…
‘Father, I’m gone, and you, merge with clouds hence for you they are intended.
Only her spirit soared, and her body, anon dead, as sweet burden remained,
An there was Void no more,
Yet wells of silence, as voices, in past moment engulfed.


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