Il concorso internazionale di Poesia Castello di Duino

The International Poetry Prize “Castello di Duino”, is becoming from year to year the biggest International Poetry Competition and one of the most exciting Poetry Festival in the world entirely devoted to young poets. Planned and organized by Gabriella and Ottavio Gruber the competition is one of the activities supported by the Volunteer Association “Poesia e Solidarietà”: The prize is organized under the patronage of UNESCO italian national Committee, in collaboration with the Prince Carlo Alessandro della Torre e Tasso (Castello di Duino- Trieste Italia), the Publishing House Ibskos di A. Risolo (official sponsor of the competition) and the United World College of Duino; is open to young people of the world under 30 years of age. Participation is free. The jury is composed by poets and literary experts with different linguistic competences. The poems will be evaluated, in the mother tongue of the authors. The poems of the winners and a selection of the best poems are published by Ibiskos Editrice Risolo (Empoli- Italy) in Italian and English version, and recorded on CD in their original languages. The poets, whose poem is not published in the book, may ask for publishing it in the Website’s page “Poems & Comments”. 1400 young poets partecipated in the Fourth Edition of the Competition from Italia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia , Polonia, Montenegro, Regno Unito, Danimarca, Brasile ,Croazia, Macedonia, Lituania, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, Portogallo, Spagna, Francia, Svizzera, Germania, Turchia, Nigeria, Camerun, Ghana, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Canada, USA, Olanda, Norvegia, Monzambico, Zimbabwe, Palestina, Israele, Guatemala, Cina, Albania, Egitto, Siria, Libano, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Lussemburgo, Australia, Canada, Malesia, Etiopia, Kenia, Ecuador, Czech Republic, Austria, Russian Confederation, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Georgia, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Greece,India, Tibet, Giappone, Australia, Sud Africa, Singapore, Cyprus, Cile, Cuba, Moldavia, Ukraina, Uganda, Messico, Venezuela, Togo, Martinica, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Tunisia, Korea del sud, Vietnam, Marocco, Grenada,. The competition, originated from the Project “Poetry and Solidarity, language of the peoples” organized by Gabriella Valera Gruber since 2000, aims at joining Poetry with Solidarity and supports from year to year different humanitarian goals; thanks to the Ibiskos Publishing House Risolo the profits of the book of the winners and selected poets are given to the Foundation Luchetta-Ota-D’Angelo-Hrovatin for child war victims.

Since 2008, The Association organizes the World-Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue” using the network of young poets participating in the competition. The proceedings of the first editon of the forum (Italiana- english version) have been published by the Publishing House Ibiskos Risolo.


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