26 marzo 2011, Incontro con il poeta Arben Dedja

26 marzo 2011, Incontro con il poeta Arben Dedja

Reading and speech of the poet Arben Dedja

DSCN0886 150x150 Reading and speech of the poet Arben DedjaArben Dedja presentato da Gabriella

Reading of the surgeon poet Arben Dedja (Albania) and introduction of his book « La manutenzione delle maschere  (Maintenance of the Masks)» (Publisher Kolibris)

The reading of the surgeon poet Arben Dedja has focused the attention of the young public who posed many interesting questions. We got the wish to better understand languages and crossing within balcan poetry by widening our horizons towards countries not sufficiently known. Dear poet: we would like to have you again among us!


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