26 marzo 2011, Fulvio Senardi: “La Trieste di Svevo”
Fulvio Senardi: Trieste by Svevo
Fulvio Senardi
10.00 a.m. – High School for Languages, Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14)
“SVEVO’S CITY: A MENTAL SPACE” with Fulvio Senardi.
Trieste is a particular city: open to different latitudes and cultures, it is however a defintely identity -space for people who inhabit, a “mental” identity-space, made by awaereness and selfreflection on the life of the peoples who corssed their roads through their history.
Next Agenda: Trip to Muggia and “poetry” buffet offered by Hotel Ristorante La Bussola (via
Alessandro Manzoni, 5 Muggia)
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