21 maggio 2010, Roma
Roma May 21st 2010
Associazione di Volontariato
“Poesia e Solidarietà”
in cooperation with:
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Direzione Generale per le Biblioteche, gli Istituti Culturali ed il Diritto d’Autore
Roma, May 21st 2010, Complesso Monumentale dei Dioscuri, ore 17
An exciting and “smiling” Poetry reading took place in Rom, in the beautiful thater of the “Complesso Monumentale dei Dioscuri” , kindly offered by the Ministero per i Beni e l Attività Culturali- Direzione Generale per le Biblioteche, gli Istituti Culturali e i Diritti d’Autore, whose General Director, Mister Dr. Maurizio Fallace, sad his welcome to the participants, with a passionate plea for promoting books and reading.
Gabriella Valera Gruber, has presented the project, by underlining that the support of the institution is very important for its progress. Above all, she sad, the enthusiastic sharing of the project and its organization by young people is essential, because they can continue and spread the message of the association about the Poetry intended as a “Language of Knowledge and Dialogue”. The Competition and the World Youth Forum “Righte to Dialogue”, therefore, are complementary parts of the same project.
After the presentation the participants poets read their poems. Among the young “poets of the competition”, also ome less young participants: the representatives of the Cultural artistic group Linfera and Mr Dr. Renato Corsetti, President of the Federazione Esperantisti Italiana and Mr. Dr. Ranieri Clerici who read a poem of Ungaretti translated into Esperanto.
The poems are published in the attached PDF! Roma 2010
Ottavio Gruber, the second soul of the Project together with Gabriella, was the official photographer of the Event!!
Many thanks to all young people who participated and cooperated for the organisation!!
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