Una grande organizzazione che promuove autori e artisti esordienti ed emergenti
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Collegio del mondo unitodell’Adriatico. Uno dei Collegi del mondo unito nel mondo. 200 studenti da circa 80 paesi vi trascorrono gli ultimi due anni delle loro scuole superiori.
United World College of Adriatic.
One of the United World Colleges. 200 Students from about 80 countries spend in this structure the last two years of their secondary Education
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Il più importante centro della cultura francofona a Trieste
The most important Centre of the french-speaking Culture in Trieste
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LE CENERI DI PETTARINI: il blog di Davide Pettarini collaboratore nel progetto per la istituzione di una Giornata internazionale di Poesia e Solidarietà nell’ambito delle celebrazioni della giornata mondiale della poesia UNESCO.
The blog of Davide Pettarini who cooperates for the International Poetry and Solidarity Day in the context of the UNESCO World Poetry Day on March 21st.
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English Students’ Club Magazine, At Large (Croatia)
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L’Erasmus Student Network è una elle più grandi organizzazioni studentesche europee che promuove la mobilità internazionale a livello universitario/ Erasmus Student Network is one of the broadest Euroopean Student Organisation fostering international mobility in Higher Education.
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Border Speaking is a travelling event that took place along the former Schengen-border during the summer of 2009. Inhabitants of different countries share their memories, oscillating between their desire to forget and their need to remember the complex history, 20 years after the fall of the iron curtain.
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Renzo Maggiore
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italo ungherese Pier Paolo Vergerio
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Roberto Alessandrini
Progetto 7LUNE diffonde la cultura (Poesia, Arte, Musica) ispanoamericana Contemporanea in Italia con plaquettes digitali gratuite ed eventi
Progetto 7LUNE difunde la cultura (Poesía, Arte, Música) hispanoamericana Contemporánea en Italia a través de la publicación de plaquetas digitales gratuitas y eventos
Progetto 7LUNE spreads Hispanoamerican Contemporary Culture (Poetry, Arts, Music) in Italy through free digital plaquettes and events
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