25 marzo 2011, Mostra fotografica: cerimonia di apertura
Photo Exhibition: Opening Ceremony
Photo exhibition “Horizons”: Photos sent by the poets with the comment of their poems
Why do we give such a large space to the sky? Why don’t we look at the Earth, as a mother, that outlines the horizon of a possible future with her gift of fruits?
Silly card-horizons diggers, we don’t realize that every glimpse contains different horizons with all their latitudes.
Stories of Earth, Sea and “Good-byes” are suggested by these photos, which imagine the horizon rather than to represent it.; but also stories of crossings, untraceable limits and definitions, of meetings and expectations, hidden in the children dreams and in their young thoughts, open to new narrations. (From the introduction of Gabriella Valera Gruber) (see the photos)
[nggallery id=7]
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