Appreciations and “thanks” from attending people
Besides the appreciations of the critics and press we consider particularly important for us the appreciations of people and above all young people who attended the events.
Here you’ll find only a few, chosen among many others, which particularly touched us:
From Matteo
Dear Gabriella,
Da Laura
From Adriana (Quito, Ecuador)
I will go back to italian lessons soon, if I go back to Europe, I’ll go to Italy and Trieste for sure. I will participate again in the competition, maybe in theatre too. I’m very happy because I had the chance to be in Trieste which is a wonderful city and I met writers from different countries and cultures, very good friends. I feel I have grown so much in so little time. This was amazing and I think I will never finish saying thank you, because this was the best thing ever happened to me in my whole life.
Ottavio and you are such a nice couple and we could feel the love for each other ant for poetry, which is beautiful. As I already told you, I feel very inspired.
Thank you so much for everything.
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