“Castello di Duino” Poetry and Literature Festival and award ceremonies! The Programme

"Castello di Duino" Poetry and Literature Festival and award ceremonies! The Programme



Festival of Poetry and Literature 2018
Trieste- Duino March 2018,  11th-24th


oganized by




in collaboration with


 University of Trieste, Department of Humanities


and with


International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture (iSDC)





Sunday, 11.3. 2018

5,00 p.m.

Grand Hotel Duchi d’Aosta (Piazza Unità d’Italia, Trieste)


“Being in writing: The theatrical text between content and form”: Interview with Renzo Stefano Crivelli by Massimiliano Cocozza and Gabriella Valera

(The interview is the first of a series of interviews that will involve Guido Chiarotti, Claudio Grisancich, Giuseppe Manfridi, Isabel Russinova, Marco Sosic and some winners of the theater section in the Castello di Duino Competition)


Lunedì 12.3.2018  

11,00 a.m.

Liceo Statale Gian Rinaldo Carli  and headquarter of Telecapodistria, Capodistria


Frontier literature. The exodus: the students read Enzo Bettiza, Ester Barlessi, Franco Veglieri, Fulvio Tomizza, Giani Stuparich, Marisa Madieri, Nelida Milani.
Speakers Melita Richter and Piero Guglielmino.
In collaboration with the Liceo Statale Gian Rinaldo Carli, Capodistria, Telecapodistria, International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture-iSDC-Trieste, Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Lucio”,  Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Nazario Sauro” di Muggia


Tuesday 13.3.2018

5,00 p.m.

Hall “Trieste Città della Conoscenza” (Trieste Central Station, Piazza della Libertà 8)
Generations / Generations: Presentation of the book “Generations / Generations” Poems awarded in the Castello di Duino Competition XIII edition (by Gabriella Valera, Ibiskos Editrice Risolo, 2017). Musical Interludes by Guido Davanzo and Andrea Musizza. Reading “Open Mic”.


Wendsday 14.3 2018

5,00 p.m.

Sala Piccola Fenice Theater, via Francesco d’Assisi 5, Trieste
Inauguration of the photographic exhibition Home / Home and reading (Photos sent by the participants to the Castello di Duino Competition commented with their own verses). Musical Interludes of the choir “Semplici note” conduted by Maestr Giulia Fonzari


Thursday 15. 3.2018

9,30 a.m.-1,30 p.m.

University of Trieste, Department of Humanities, Sala Atti (Androna Campo Marzio 10, Trieste)
Language workshop “s-Translate, what language can not and translation must” on the theme “The poetics of the home and its linguistic variations: comparisons and contaminations” (1 part). Presentations by Claudia Azzola, Giancarlo Micheli, Melita Richter, Silvia Storti, Gabriella Valera, Mark Veznaver, Anna Zoppellari


Thursday 15. 3.2018

5,00 p.m.

Sala Bobi Bazlen (Palazzo Gopcevich,Via Rossini, Trieste)

Presentations of : Tatjana Rojc “La figlia che vorrei avere”. Talk of the author with Rosanna Turcinovich and Gabriella Valera


Friday 16.3.2018

9,30 a.m.-1,30 p.m.

University of Trieste, Department of Humanities, Sala Atti (Androna Campo Marzio 10, Trieste)
Language workshop “s-Translate, what language can not and translation must” on the theme “The poetics of the home and its linguistic variations: comparisons and contaminations (2 part). Presentations by Claudia Azzola, Giancarlo MIcheli, Melita Richter, Silvia Storti, Gabriella Valera, Mark Vezbaver, Anna Zoppellari


Friday 16.3.2018

6.30 p.m.

Auditorium Casa della Musica (Via Capitelli 3, Trieste)

“Readings from a Nobel Prize”.”The suspended grace of human solitudes: Kazuo Ishiguro” by Hari Bertoja, Giusy Billone, Leonor Buçinca, Giuseppe Curci, Elena Giacomin, Elena Giraldi, Maria Luisa Grandi, Ottavio Gruber, Sandro Pecchiari, Nunzia Piccinni, Lilya Radoeva Destradi, Mark Veznaver, Gabriella Valera. Intermezzi musicali del duo Paolo Martino Delmarco (violino) e Adelajid Zhuri (pianoforte)


Saturday 17.3.2018

11,00 a.m.-1,00p.m.

Sala Meeting Tergeste, Star Hotels Savoia Excelsior Palace, Riva del Mandracchio 4
Award ceremony “School Projects” section of the “Castello di Duino” competition

Saturday 17. 3. 2018

4,00 p.m.

Hall of the City Council of Trieste (Piazza Unità d’Italia, Trieste)
Award ceremony of the “Giovanissimi” Section of the International Competition of Poetry and Theater Castello di Duino


Sunday 18. 3.2018

10 a.m.

Trieste and surroundings
“En plein air”: through the streets of the city … giving poetry (by the international poets in the city)


Sunday 18.3.2018

4,30 p.m.

Castello di Duino , Auditorium

Award ceremony for the Over 16 Category Competition (16 to 30 years). Reading of the poems by the authors in the original languages and in Italian, simultaneous translation into and from English (The castle can be reached from Trieste by a line bus about 40 minutes).


Monday 19.3.2018

5,00 p.m.

Sala Piccola Fenice Theater (Via San Francesco d’Assisi 5)
Scenic reading of the awarded texts in the Theater Section of the Castello di Duino Competition, with the participation of Maurizio Soldà. Interviews with the authors. Intermezzo of dances with Giulia Caluzzi, in collaboration with ACTIS and Eledance (coreography by Eleonora Violin)

Tuesday 20.3.2018


Hall “Trieste, City of knowledge” (Trieste Central Station)
The people of King Heruka-Documentary by Isbel Russinova, dedicated to the history and origins of the Rom. With the participation of the author

Wendsday 21.3.2018, UNESCO Poetry Day

4.30 p.m.

Poetry Flash Mob


6,30 p.m.

Casa della Musica (via Capitelli 3, Trieste)

The poetry of Luigia Sorrentino. With the author. Performed byMariella Terragni. Musical interludes by Sonia Cugini.


Thursday  22.3.2018

Duino Contest Award The Carsica house (promoted by the Municipality of Duino in collaboration with the Association Poesia e Solidarietà in the framework of the Festival)

Friday  23.3.2018


Libreria Ubik (Galleria Tergesteo, Trieste)

Rainer Maria Rilke: The angel and the abyss. Poetry of “dis-belonging” by Enzo Santese and Gabriella Valera


Saturday 24.3.2018

5,00 p.m.

Sala dei Cavalieri, Castello di Duino
Spring at the Castle: Concert for Gasparina and Rainer Maria Rilke,

Music by Silvio Donati, from aproject of  Marina Silvestri. 

Silvio Donati (pianoforte), Astrid Donati (viola), Gilberto Grassi (fagotto); with Marisandra Calacione (Gaspara Stampa) and Adriano Giraldi (Rainer Maria Rilke)

In collaboration with the Municipality of Duino

All events are open to the public and free. Please announce your participation for the entry to the castle.




tel. 340 952 3626


Poesia e Solidarietà Linguaggio dei Popoli” (Poetry and Solidarity Language of the peoples) with its realizatons , the international Poetry and Theatre Competition “Castello di Duino” and the Poetry and Literature Festival has reached its XIV edition thanks to financial supports of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Municipality of Trieste, Fondazione Kathleen Foreman Casali, Banca Popolare di Cividale, Duemilauno Agenzia Sociale, and many public entities and private donors

Under the patronage of Commissione Nazionale Unesco, dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri, dall’Università di Trieste.

In partnership with:

Apice – Agenzia di Promozione Integrata per i Cittadini in Europa; Associazione Culturale Bravò; Associazione Giuliani nel mondo; Associazione Progetto7Lune; Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione per la Cultura Giovanile; Associazione italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO; Comune di Duino; Federalberghi; Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura; Forum Nazionale dei Giovani; Forum Regionale dei Giovani Campania; Inštitut Nove Revije, zavod za humanistiko (Lubiana).

Media Partnership de il Piccolo; collaboration Telecapodistria.

Collaboration of   Camera di Commercio Industria Agricoltura e Artigianato di Trieste, and Castello di Duino.

We thanks th hotels Abbazia, Alabarda Flora, Alla Posta, Al Viale, Colombia, Continentale, Coppe, Filoxenia, Grand Hotel Duchi d’Aosta, Italia, James Joyce, L’albero Nascosto, Marta,  Miramare NH-Trieste, Nuovo Impero, Nuovo Albergo Centro, Riviera & Maximilian’s, Roma, San Giusto, Savoia Excelsior, Tritone, Al Cavalluccio Marino (Muggia), Al Pescatore (Muggia), Dulcinea (Muggia).

for gifts : Fondazione CRTrieste, Ditta Parovel, Centro UNESCO di Trieste, Associazione ALUT.

We thank the members of the jury: without their work and linguistic and cultural competence as well as poetic sensitivity the competition would not be possible as the only competition in the world that evaluates the poems in the original language.

We thank the artists, and heartily all the internal and external collaborators of the Association.






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