2013: The future… a place in the world
The future…
a place in the world ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/65658902@N03/sets/72157633038269912/
Collective photoexhibition of pictures sent by the poets participating to the Internationa Competition Castello di Duino comentated by their own werses22 marzo – 6 aprile 2013
Sala Giubileo Riva III novembre 9
The photoexhibition can be seen and interactively commented at the link
Future is not simply that “something” we’re waiting for, that moment in our life as individuals and members of a community we still don’t known, though no matter how it will happen. Future is rather something that concerns us deep-down, because it lies within ourselves and we are its bearers (or, because, in the very moment in which it looked the most tangible and the most consumable, we are deprived of it). Thus, the utopian challenge, which was included among the themes of the contest of this year, reveals the future as a central figure of our living, a space-time originating in a melting pot of infinite forces and tensions.
Tension seems to be one of the keywords to read this photo exhibition dedicated to “The Future… a place in this world”.
Cruelty images of ruin and restlessness (Clara Lollo) are combined here with a particular feeling of apprehension, accompanying the perception of forthcoming challenges between nature and technology, subjectivity and alienation (Hartmann, Andrés, Kayß): tension of the mind (Duli), energy of hands pointing towards a non visible centre (Russo, Morano), or rather hands imprisoned in places where beauty is enjoyed only by the few and stands out with the power of a cancer, where even the evil to be challenged is perceived as a power (De los Angeles).
Images and verses often break up the layers of space and time, leading to hallucinations and alluding to a sort of conscious immersion in the process (the outcomes of which are unpredictable) of “extinction” of the unity of the cosmos, unity which is incorporated in customary spaces and times belonging to each person or each object (Drapier).
Nevertheless “there, in the outside” (Baranzini), out of this vortex, there is a living world, as the exhibition shows, and we can grasp a sense of it only if, while we go through it, we bring with us some of the many keys we so often leave unused. For this world a palingenesis is imagined, if not prayed (Mardare, Manfredi, Tsiamandani).
Rather than dreams, we find here prayers; the certainty that the path lies in such an awaited future, in such a hoped for return, in a such a desired gift; and that path leads everywhere, but always within ourselves.
Future is a place of the mind (Kristijan Blazekovic), a game we play together (Lizi Budagashvili), it is the certainty of a heaven which only knows the azure.
Future is a continuous motion of the soul, of the mind and of life, never exceeding the limits of its perception and for this very reason it lies beyond, as in the picture by Alice Mezzanotte, the title of which is “Beyond / Oltre il muro (Beyond the wall)”: beyond the wall, beyond that wall (as history reminds us), beyond all walls, be they visible or invisible, there is simply a “beyond”, without any further specification.
Something absolute, a pure perception of our own place, that is, of our own existence in tension with the relativity of the times weaving our lives.
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