2013, 21-24 march: Poets from all around the world in Trieste for our Poetry Festival!!!
The Literature and Poetry Festival, which took place in Triesta and Duino on March 21-24 (progrengl) has been very successful!!! The Festival culminated in the Prize-giving Ceremony of the competition within the beautiful hall of the Castello di Duino (Trieste). Amazing was the participation from all around the world. Beauty and Happyness on the faces, in the hearts. (see the pages of the events: “Poetry in the Schools“; “Translating” ; “Opening Ceremony“; “Opening of the Photoexhibition“; “Trieste Young poets reading“; “Debate on the future“; “Reception in the City council Hall“; “Theatre pieces representation“; “Reading Boris A. Novak- Tozan Alkan“; “Prize Giving Ceremony” “Letters“)
Thank to the sponsor and collaborators.
Thank to the jury: Prof. Cristina Benussi, Prof. Ivan Bujukliev, Dr. Marji Čuk, Dr. Arben Dedja, Dr. Antonio Della Rocca (scrittore), Prof. Pietro U. Dini, Dr. Julius Franzot, Prof. Franco Gatti, Dr. Giancarlo Micheli, Dr. Isabella Panfido, Prof. Adriano Papo, Dr. Gizella Papo, Prof. Ana Cecilia Prenz, Prof. Marina Bartolucci Sedmak, Dr. Ingrid Stratti, Dr. Erika Mattea Vida, Dr. Anna Zoppellari. And for the Section “Theatre” : Giuliana Artico, Paolo Quazzolo, Gianfanco Sodomaco, Fabio Stefanini, Giuliano Zanier. They friendly give us their competence and passion.
Thank to the staff of collaborators who were essential for the agreeable success of the Event: Hari Bertoja, who worked to make possible the direct streaming, Irma Hibert, Sandro Pecchiari, Giulio Tarlao, Caterina Cavallet, Valeria Moretti, Giorgio Micheli.
Tanks to people who hosted some of our guests who couldn’t find accomodation in the many sponsoring hotels: Antonella Colombetta, Renata Longo, Franco Naglein, Maria Pia Somma.
We particulary thank the Comunità Greco-Orientale di Trieste: in the beautiful Sala Giubileo (Riva III Novembre 9) the Photoexhibition The future, a place in the world is showed till apriol 6th.
Thank to Ottavio Gruber, for caring and mounting the photoexhibition (and for many other things).
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