25 marzo 2011 “Tradurre”: nell’officina del traduttore poeta

25 marzo 2011 “Tradurre”: nell’officina del traduttore poeta

“To translate”: in the workshop of the Translator “Poet”

DSCN06121 300x225 To translate: in the workshop of the Translator PoetPreamboli

Friday march  25   9,30 a.m.

Conference Hall of the National Slovenian Library of Trieste at the High School for Interpreters and Translators – University of Trieste

“To translate”: in the Laboratory of the Translator “poet”

A workshop among translators and poets, mostly translators of their own poems, who compared their expreiences above all on the “aandcrafitg” side of translation-work, on the effort to reshape their work matter respecting it..

Arben Dedja (Albania, Surgeon, poet and translator), Experiences of translating and selftranslating.

Claudia Azzola (poet, translator, editor of the literary journal  Traduzionetradizione),translating experiences:conscious and not conscious procedures (About the translation of « Ophelia » by Vernon Watkins).

Afrodita Carmen Cionchin (translator, Association Orizzonti Culturali Italo-Romeni),  Ana Blandiana Poetry:about some in the journal Traduzionetradizione translated poems.

Darja Betocchi (Italia/Slovenia, translator), Translating cultures: chllanges, traps, surprises.

Marijana Sutich Pavlicevich (Croazia, poet and translator),Translating and Selftranslating expreiences.

Sono intervenuti anche anche : Anna Zoppellari, Maja Klaric, Laura Pelaschiar, Gabriella Valera Gruber


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