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Gabriella Valera Gruber e Ottavio Gruber met through a poem and married august 2000.
Gabriella teaches History at the University of Trieste. She is President of the Voluntary Association “Poesia e Solidarietà” (Poetry and Solidarity”), coordinating the activities of the poetry workshops. She published 2 books of poems (“Lasciami danzare”, L’Autore libri, Firenze 2001 e “Gente della mia vita”, Ibiskos editrice di A. Risolo, Empoli 2004), with the etchings of her husband Ottavio; she plays piano and some years ago has started to learn violin.

She considers her particular mission the promotion of a new “culture of the word” as a form of reintegration of civility and Humanity.

As a president of the Literary House in Trieste she realizes in Trieste a wide project for the cultural growth. At the University she has promoted the institution of an International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture.

Ottavio sailed some years as engineer in the merchant fleet; then promoted as electronic technician. After retiring he studied design and painting and specialized in different technics of engraving. His works were exposed in Germany and Italy. His etchings are oft inspired by Poems. He writes poems and make music.


Ideatori e responsabili del Premio


Gabriella Valera Gruber


Ottavio Gruber

Tra i maggiori fans del progetto ci sono i giovani stessi che di anno in anno moltiplicano le partecipazioni segnalando il concorso e il forum ad altri giovani interessati, amici, istituzioni giovanili e i giurati, che impegnano tempo e passione nella selezione (anch’essi indicati di anno in anno nella pagina dedicata ai vincitori).

Un grazie doveroso ai soci di Poesia e Solidarietà che guardano quasi stupiti il crescere della manifestazione e attendono sorridenti l’invasione della città da parte di tante energie felici durante le giornate degli eventi.