Adriana Galea
Adriana Galea
A swish and a whoosh,
A spell and a wand,
The young witches and wizards
The Sorting Hat
Now have to confront.
Young Harry, by no one loved,
Lived with his uncle, auntie and cousin,
Until a Hogwarts letter came,
And from there began his fame.
From the philosopher to the chamber,
To prisons and goblets,
Orders and Princes,
Adventurous quests Harry bravely fought.
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,
Hufflepuff, Slytherin,
The four houses,
For Qudditch and House cup.
Sirius, was Harry’s godfather,
Of betraying Lily and James was accused,
The traitor of the night,
Was one-finger-short Pettigrew.
Dumbledore’s career ended,
The professors baffled,
Snape on who’s side?
Every year changed,
Quirrell, Lockhart,
Lupin, Moody,
Umbridge and Snape.
Eager fans
And anxious readers
All wait together
For Harry’s next adventure.
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