Concorso Internazionale di Poesia Castello di Duino- Forum Mondiale dei Giovani Diritto di Dialogo

Concorso Internazionale di Poesia Castello di Duino-  Forum Mondiale dei Giovani Diritto di Dialogo



“Castello di Duino” International Poetry Prize –  World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”

Poetry and Solidarity Languages of People

The network formed around the “Castello di Duino” International Poetry Prize promotes two series of artistic and cultural events, which have their epicenter in Trieste and different ramifications in the provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia: the SPRING FESTIVAL (21st-25th March 2012) and the WORLD YOUTH FORUM “Right to Dialogue” (September 2012).

The program in its whole wants to see Trieste “overrun” by young people carrying a message of beauty that can be conveyed beyond any border and any age. It sparks intergenerational and intercultural meeting, with poets and literature of different commitment and origins too.

The theme of the Contest, Mirror/Masks, will be the leitmotif of the whole 2012 program.

Literature and Poetry Festival

Awarding of the 8th Edition of the “Castello di Duino” International Poetry Prize

Trieste-Duino 21st March- 7th April 2012

WEDNESDAY  21st March 2012

at 9.00 – Liceo Oberdan Great Hall (via Veronese 1)

“POETRY FOR PEACE” – 4th edition, organized by the students of Liceo Oberdan, with the collaboration of other high schools of Trieste.

Open to all young poets and representatives of cultural associations in the province of Trieste and in the Region.. In collaboration with  the centers of youth meeting of Trieste.

The event is one of the activities of the “INTERNATIONAL DAY OF POETRY AND SOLIDARITY” (4th edition) launched by the “Poetry and Solidarity” Association to celebrate the World Day for Poetry proclaimed by UNESCO, in partnership with European and non-European associations and institutions (the list of activities inspired by the International Day of Poetry and Solidarity is sent to the UNESCO National Committee, which publishes it on their site) .

THURSDAY 22nd March2012

at 9.30 – Conference Room of the State Library of Trieste (largo Papa Giovanni XXXIII 6)

POETS AT SCHOOL  (in the company of ITALO SVEVO). Free readings by the scholastic groups – from various Italian regions and different European counties –  which have participated in the “Castello di Duino” contest.

COUNTERPOINTING: readings from Italo Svevo.

FRIDAY 23rd March2012

at 9.30 – Superior School of Languages for Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14)


Workshop with Claudia Azzola, Afrodita Carmen Cionchin, Arben Dedja, Sanja Roic, Marijana Pavlicevich,  Branka Novakovic, Maria Kassotaki, Boris Novak, Irma Hibert, Darja Betocchi.

at 16.00 – Greater Hall of the Chamber of Commerce I.A.A (piazza della Borsa 14)


at 17.30 – Exhibition Room of the Sartorio Civic Museum (largo Papa Giovanni XXIII 1)


A selection of the photos sent by young poets throughout the world, commented by their own verses.

at 19.00 – Giorgio Costantinides Hall of the Sartorio Civic Museum (largo Papa Giovanni XXIII 1)


In collaboration with “La Macchina del Testo”.

SATURDAY 24th March 2012

at 9,30 – Revoltella Museum (via Diaz 27) and Gopcevich Palace (Via Rossini 4)

ITALO SVEVO INSIGHTS :  « Svevo and artists » and «L.C.Last Cigarette- Italo Svevo and the good intention »

Tour to Muggia and “poetic” buffet to follow.

at 17.30 – San Marco Historical Cafè (Via Battisti 18)

“BETWEEN SKY AND EARTH/CHOOSE HORIZON »: poet Boris A. Novak speaks with poets Titos Ptrikios and Arben Dedja.

Introduced by Gabriella Valera Gruber; musical interludes.

SUNDAY 25th March 2012

at 10.00


Touristic-literary tour in the city and province of Trieste.

at 16.30 Castello di Duino


The Exhibition will be visitable from the 23rd of March to the 6th of April 2012.


27th-30th September 2012

World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue” 5th Edition

Artistic and cultural Events, Debates, Friendship

The 2012 World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue” promotes the autumn series of artistic and cultural events organized from the International Poetry Prize “Castello di Duino” network; these events are open to all young people form European and non- European countries interested in poetry and dialogue.

An entire section of the 2012 Forum is dedicated to contributions of young people from the Adriatic area (IPA countries) and from Central Europe (member countries of the Central European Initiative).

THURSDAY 27th September 2012 : Arrivals

at 18, 00: Greetings from the Authorities   (time and date to be defined)

FRIDAY  28th September 2012

from 9,30 to 13,00 Superior School of Languages for Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14: Great Hall)

Forum “In search for Identity in the spaces of citizenship”: 1st Session

from 16,30 to 18, 30 Conference Room of the State Library of Trieste (largo Papa Giovanni XXXIII 6)


Presentation of the book (Ibiskok Editrice Risolo, 2012) containing the winning poems of the 8th Edition of the Castello di Duino Contest, with readings by the poets.  The photographic exhibition with photos from young poets throughout the world, commented by their own verses, and the Acts of the World Youth Forum held in Trieste, 22nd-25th September 2011, will also be displayed.

SATURDAY 29th September 2012

from 9, 30 to 13, 00 Superior School of Languages for Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14: Great Hall)

Forum “In search for Identity in the spaces of citizenship”: 2nd  Session

from 15,30 to 18,00 Superior School of Languages for Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14: Great Hall)

“In search for Identity in the spaces of citizenship”: 3rd Session

SUNDAY 30 September 2012

at 9,30 Superior School of Languages for Interpreters and Translators (via Filzi 14: Great Hall)

Networking: friendships, projects, exchanges;  free time in the city and surroundings to follow.

at 17,30 Giubileo Hall, Riva Tre Novembre 9

Reading/writing Trieste (and its surroundings).

A meeting of poetry and history with the cultural communities of Trieste and with the young partecipants of the Forum and Contest. Free poetry readings and music.

In collaboration with the Eastern Greek Community of Trieste and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture. With the participation of the Croatian Community, the Serbian Orthodox Community, The Schiller Cultural Association, Alliance Française… and all the components that will want to participate.

Goodbye Buffet.


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